League Competition and Sales


Next up on Loggers Point is Pheasant.

Find out what it’s all about and join in for a chance to win hefty prizes in em$!



✅ 12 GA Pump Action Shotgun
✅ .22 “Plinkington” Semi-Automatic Rifle
✅ Retriever
✅ Tents

…and much more. Up to 40% off!

Sale ends on January 24th, 7:00 am UTC

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League Competition and Sales


Next up on Loggers Point is Cottontail Rabbit.

Find out what it’s all about and join in for a chance to win hefty prizes in em$!



✅ Grasshopper Pistol
✅ 20 GA Semi-Automatic Shotgun
✅ German Pointer
✅ Tents

…and much more. Up to 40% off!

Sale ends on January 17th, 7:00 am UTC

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League Competition and Sales


First up on Loggers Point is Whitetail Deer.

Find out what it’s all about and join in for a chance to win hefty prizes in em$!



✅ .303 British Bolt Action Rifle
✅ .44 Revolvers
✅ Pulsar
✅ Tents

…and much more. Up to 40% off!

Sale ends on January 10th, 7:00 am UTC

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Update Gun Skins

Howdy Hunters!

This is just a small release while we find our footing back to our normal quality releases. So what’s in the release? These are a few weapon skins so we can check the implementation. Stream watchers will know that we’ve got a couple of new weapons in development and we’d like those releases to go off without a hitch. Consider this the trial run. We are aware of the other bugs that are plaguing the game, we aren’t ignoring them. This was ready, so we’re letting it go out.

4 weapons got new skins:

* .308 Bolt Action Rifle (2 new skins)
* 10mm Semi-Automatic Pistol
* Muzzleloading Pistol
* Maisto 12 GA Sawed-Off Shotgun

They should be bug-free, but let us know if you find anything wrong with them as usual.

Well, that’s all for now. Grab the update HERE

Happy Hunting!

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League Competition and Sales


Next up on Whitehart Island is Blacktail Deer.

Find out what it’s all about and join in for a chance to win hefty prizes in em$!



✅ 12 GA Shotguns
✅ .270 Bolt Action Rifles
✅ Snakebite
✅ Tents

…and much more. Up to 40% off!

Sale ends on December 27th, 7:00 am UTC

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Holidays 2024

Happy Holidays!

No matter your leanings, this is a time of the year to come together and quietly resent Mariah Carey. No, wait. That’s not it. Well, be nice to each other anyway. We’ve got the usual Mission and 3 tiered comps spread over the event and the Community Campaign. That’s right, a rising tide lifts all ships so team up as a community to slay enough Roe Deer. You’ll see a bar for community prizes on the mission pop-up (use the banner in the launcher or on the website). Harvest at least 30 Roe Deer (from any map) to qualify, slaughter more to fill the bar and gain all your prizes. You do not need to play in multi or single-player, it’s up to you how you do your slaying. Gender does not matter, nor does the state. Any Roe Deer harvested in the EHR will count. And how about, as a little gift to support, no one cheats during this event? What do you say? In return, we won’t have to ban anyone 🙂 

Participate for the prizes, the trophies, and the glory! All hunters with enough Roe Deer at the end of the event will win Community Prizes!

In order to take part in the event, you will have to click on the big banner you will find in the Launcher (or Website) home page:

Read on and familiarize yourself with the rules of the event.


Duration: 15 days

Start: 18 December 2024 (Wednesday) – morning

End: 1 January 2024 (Wednesday) – 23.59 UTC


The more Roe Deer the Community harvests, the more in-game prizes each player is rewarded. Remember you personally need at least 30 Roe Deer to receive prizes.

This is how the prize pool looks:


This year’s mission is called Solstice

For the first time in a very long time, the Holiday event will actually reach the Solstice! Summer Solstice for our hunters in the Southern Hemisphere, but we’re pretty sure you’ll forgive all the snow in the event. Since they can’t do anything about it, Northerners have to pretend they like all the snow, ice, and freezing temperatures. That aside, wherever you are, in exchange for a few tasks we have a fancy trophy, some gm$, and a couple of items for you. What better way to celebrate a holiday?

The mission will last through the event duration.

Completing it will earn the hunter the following rewards:


You don’t need to compete in these for any special reason, other than a spiffy trophy and some em$. 

Prizes for the competitions look like this:

Each competition comes with 7 tiers based on your Hunter Score:


What would a game be without rules?

We have one simple rule for our events: No exploitation of existing game mechanics to gain an advantage. All winners’ hunts will be checked by EW staff prior to prizes being rewarded, and the decision will be final.

In case of exploits usage, EW has a right to disqualify the player from this event.


And what would an Event be without sales? We’re not sure, but we do know that we’d get nasty messages if we skipped them, so we’ve made sure to put sales in.

Make sure to check out the Sales section to see the full list!

That’s all folks, any questions, feel free to post them below.

Enjoy all!

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League Competition and Sales


First up on Whitehart Island is Turkey.

Find out what it’s all about and join in for a chance to win hefty prizes in em$!



✅ .17 HMR Lever Action Rifle
✅ .357 Revolver
✅ 20 GA Semi-Automatic Shotgun
✅ Tents

…and much more. Up to 40% off!

Sale ends on December 13th, 7:00 am UTC

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League Competition and Sales


Next up on Piccabeen Bay is Sambar Deer.

Find out what it’s all about and join in for a chance to win hefty prizes in em$!



✅ 7.62x54R Bolt Action Rifle
✅ .300 Bolt Action Rifle
✅ Pulsar
✅ Tents

…and much more. Up to 40% off!

Sale ends on December 6th, 7:00 am UTC

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