Fall Event



The best season of the year is finally here! Past summer’s heat and before freezing to death, it’s the perfect time to hunt. Come join us for a Mission and 3 tiered Comps.

Gain Harvest$ through the event’s mission, competitions and hunting Fall Deer (Roe Deer, Red Deer, Mule Deer, Rocky Mountain Elk) in Timbergold Trails and Hirschfelden!

Participate for the prizes, the trophies, and the glory! The hunter with the most Harvest$ at the end of September the 28th will win a generous first prize!

In order to take part in the event, you will have to click on the big banner you will find in the Launcher (or Website) home page:


Read on and familiarize yourself with the rules of the event.


Event Duration: 7 days

Start: 22 Sept 2021 (Wednesday) – morning

End:  28 Sept 2021 (Tuesday) – 23.59 UTC



There are no collectibles this time around, so instead we’re awarding points for harvesting Fall Deer.

harvest points

This is how the prize pool looks:

campaign prizes


This year’s mission is called Grand Harvest

Howdy Hunter, never thought I’d see the day. Monica and Franz have agreed to work together! They want to do something to celebrate the end of the harvest season, so they’re going to need some nice, fat animals from Fall reserves.

The mission will last through the event’s duration from the 22nd Sept to the 28th Sept.

Completing it will earn the hunter the following rewards:

mission rewards


The event comes with three competitions each lasting 3 days! Completing each competition in any place (just qualify!) will also award the hunter 100 Harvest$ points.

Prizes for the competitions look like this:
comp prizes

Each competition comes with 7 tiers based on your Hunter Score:



What would a game be without rules?

We have one simple rule for our events: No exploitation of existing game mechanics to gain an advantage. All winners’ hunts will be checked by EW staff prior to prizes being rewarded, and the decision will be final.

In case of exploits usage, EW has a right to disqualify the player from this event.


We’ve got some cool sales for this event in the Store, including a juicy 50% discount on some Callers as well as 30% off a variety of weapons.

Make sure to check out the Sale section to see the full list!


That’s all folks, any questions, feel free to post them below.

Enjoy all!

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Weekend Competition and Sales


Howdy Hunter,

How ya goin’? If you’re at a loose end, I’m having a shooting contest over in Bushranger’s. Head over if you have the time.

Find out what it’s all about and join the competition for a chance to win hefty prizes in em$!




✅ 7mm Magnum Bullpup Rifle Raptor
✅ 9.3×62 Anschütz 1780 D FL Bolt Action Rifle
✅ 8×57 IS Anschütz 1780 D FL Bolt Action Rifle
✅ Deployable Tower

…and much more. Up to 40% off!

Sale ends on September the 21st, 7:00 am UCT

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Game Update – Axis Deer Update



Howdy Hunters,

The Axis gets its first update today, so grab it while it’s hot! The update includes:

✅ 3 new color variations (‘Dark’ only for males, ‘Orange’ only for females, ‘Piebald’ for both genders). ‘Dark’ and ‘Orange’ are color variations, ‘Piebald’ is a rarity (in addition to ‘Melanistic’ and ‘Albino’).

✅ Axis Deer missions pack

✅ Axis Deer comps are ready and included in the competition schedule with their first appearance on the 18th.

Bug fixes:

✅ explanations added to the scoresheet (only for new harvests)

✅ fixed an animation when the Axis Deer rotated to 180 degrees and back

✅ added Axis Deer achievements to Steam

✅ Axis Deer equipment can now be easily saved to the loadout

If you can’t wait to see the new colors, check out this video from HooCairs for a sneak peek.

Grab the update on Steam!

Until next time, happy hunting!


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Weekend Competition and Sales


Howdy Hunter,

Max the Taxidermist here. Word’s spread about our lovely Axis deer and I’ve had an order for a nice pair. Would you get me a pair of Axis Deer to stuff?

Find out what it’s all about and join the competition for a chance to win hefty prizes in em$!




✅ 16GA/9.3x74R Drilling Combination Gun
✅ Compound Bow Pulsar
✅ Happy Camper Tent Arid Camo
✅ 5x30mm Rangefinder

…and much more. Up to 40% off!

Sale ends on September the 14th, 7:00 am UCT

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Weekend Competition and Sales


Howdy hunter,

I don’t know about you, but I’m feeling like something simple this weekend. Nab the heaviest Blacktail. Any weapon, any equipment.

Find out what it’s all about and join the competition for a chance to win hefty prizes in em$!




✅ .30R O/U BAR
✅ 6.5×55 BAR
✅ Tripod Stand
✅ 16x50mm Spotting Scope

…and much more. Up to 40% off!

Sale ends on September the 7th, 7:00 am UCT

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Game Update – Axis Deer



Howdy hunters!

We’ve strung you along for weeks, but here it is: AXIS DEER

You can find the new Axis on Bushrangers Run on the Eastern (Right) half of the map. Axis releases with its Trophy Poses, Caller and Scent Spray, all available immediately in the store. Antler sheds can be found in BRR.

As always, please report any bugs to us to we can iron out any problems quickly. Look forward to Axis Deer Missions and competitions soon.

Check out this video from HooCairs to get a leg up on your hunting.

For those of you who were hoping to see FALLOW DEER up there, stay tuned 😉

Grab the update HERE on Steam!

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Weekend Competition and Sales


Hello, common person,

Vera the Magnificent here. I require a piece for a documentary. I need you take down a male Reindeer with a single shot. Do you understand? Rudolph the Gut-Shot Reindeer isn’t good press!

Find out what it’s all about and join the competition for a chance to win generous prizes in em$!




✅ Maisto 12 GA Semi-Automatic Shotgun
✅16 GA SxS
✅ Shooting Tripod Rest
✅ Rangefinder Binos

…and much more. Up to 40% off!

Sale ends on August the 31st, 7:00 am UCT

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Game Update – Bug Fixes and QoL


Howdy Hunters!

Small release this time with some QoL fixes, bug fixes and a few bundles to tide you over. Look forward to the next big release!

✅ We’ve changed the way the Daily Missions behave after the streak break. Daily Missions automatically activated after the streak break which made the Resume Streak a broken feature. Now the Daily Missions will remain inactive until players choose to activate the new streak or resume the last one.
✅ “Recruit a friend” has been slightly updated. Sometimes it did not work properly and we fixed that. We also changed few item rewards to avoid repetitions, as well as added more clear explanations of how the referral system works.

Few regular missions fixes:

✅ ‘Fair Shake of the Sauce Bottle’ – conditions fixed to work properly
✅ Whiterime Ridge Travel Missions – coordinates for some places were fixed in descriptions to be more precise

We also added few bundles to the store based on the community suggestions:

✅ Silenced Geese Bundle for Snow Goose hunting
✅ American Duck Bundle for American Black Duck hunting
✅ Predator Bundle for small to large game

Seriously, look forward to it.

Grab the Update HERE on Steam.

That’s all for now!

Happy Hunting!

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Summer Fiesta


Hello folks!

An occasion like this requires dedication and fitness. After all, it lasts 5 weeks. Yes, you read that right. For the next five weeks the EHR is celebrating its annual Fiesta! One tiered multi-animal comp a week, a comp that lasts the whole 5 weeks, and 3 mission packs in total for all to sink their digital teeth (and ammo) into.

There’s a load of things to do, so put on your sweat band, wrist supports and comfy socks for an epic virtual work out.

Participate for the prizes, the trophies, and the glory! This event is going to work a bit differently, so read on for the skinny.

While we’re considering this an event, it isn’t going to function like one. There are no special point$ to collect, no fancy banner and calendar. Activate your missions from the mission page and your comps from the competition page as you normally would in the launcher or website.

All three mission packs will be available for the duration (the hardcore pack, To Hell and Back, unlocks after completing the easier Blood on the Tracks missions). Born to Run is available from the start.

The tiered comps run for a week each, you know how these work. The Jackpot comp runs for 5 weeks. You have 30 attempts BUT one new animal will be added twice a week. Remember to deactivate the comp in between sessions so you don’t waste attempts. Highest combined score wins. To be eligible, you need at least one harvested animal of each species.


Duration:  35 days

Start: 21 July 2021 (Wednesday) – morning

End:  25 August 2021 (Wednesday) – 7 am UTC




Each mission in the Hunting Packs (each set of objectives, in other words) has a nice chunk of gm$ attached, so failure to complete the whole Pack will still net you something.
The missions will need to be activated through the Mission page.

Born to Run: A total of 10,000 gm$, a trophy and some items: Deployable Hunting Tower, climbing gear and an Inventory Loadout.


Blood on the Tracks: A total of 5,500 gm$, 250 em$, a trophy and a Heated Tent, Winter Camo


To Hell and Back: A total of 5,500 gm$. 500 em$, a trophy and a Trapper Tent



The event comes with six competitions, 5 tiered comps that last a week each and one that lasts the duration!













Each competition comes with 7 tiers based on your Hunter Score:



What would a game be without rules?

We have one simple rule for our events: No exploitation of existing game mechanics to gain an advantage. All winners’ hunts will be checked by EW staff prior to prizes being rewarded, and the decision will be final.

In case of exploits usage, EW has a right to disqualify the player from this event.


Make hay while the sun shines, in this case it’s a 5-week Grand Sale! All the items listed will be on sale for the duration of the Fiesta.

Make sure to check out the Sale section to see the full list!


That’s all folks, any questions, feel free to post them below.

Enjoy all!

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Weekend Competition and Sales


Howdy Hunter,

Hunter, Max the Taxidermist here. I’ve had an odd order, I must say. Someone wants to make a gift of a pair of Roosevelt Elk, a male and a female. He won’t give me any other details! It’s a surprise, apparently. Do what you can, okay? Remember to use slugs for Elk, or Doc will be all over you.

Find out what it’s all about and join the competition for a chance to win hefty prizes in em$!




✅ Maisto 12 GA Semi-Automatic Shotgun
✅16GA/9.3x74R Drilling Combination Gun
✅ Shooting Tripod Rest
✅ Tree Stand

…and much more. Up to 40% off!

Sale ends on July the 20th, 9:00 am UCT

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