Status Update

Hello Hunters!

Welcome to another Status Update, and the last one from me a little while in fact.  Next week Mat will return from his time away and he’ll continue to keep you all updated whilst I disappear for some rest and relaxation for a couple of weeks.

As I’ve mentioned (a few times now!) this is a slightly calmer time period for us in development terms due to holidays and the like, but we still have plenty to talk about here!

First up…

It’s Coming Home!


Yeah…sorry about that headline, maybe I’m showing some bias?!  There’s just a few days left before the end of the World Cup, and more importantly the end of our Football Jamboree!  We’ve just three teams left in the running, France, Croatia, and England, by the end of tonight it’ll be down to two, France and Engla…well, we’ll wait and see. 😉 Best of luck to your chosen team coming in a winner (as long as it’s England) and you hopefully winning a pretty sweet limited edition 10 GA shotgun.  That damascus barrel, gorgeous!

Don’t forget that you can see our full Football Jamboree run-down here

Aaaand on the topic of football…

Show Your Colours!
We’ve dusted off a whole load of football goodies from previous years and they can currently be found under the “Events” section of our store here We have caps, shirts, and of course this year’s pants all for the taking!

COMPETITION – Pointer Perfection

Dog comp

Last week we introduced you to the latest addition to our line-up of canine hunting companions in the form of a German Pointer.  Now it’s time to put him/her to work!

This competition is quite freestyle and offers lots of space for interesting entries, simply put we want you to share an image of you out on the hunt with your new “best friend”. We’ll be judging on the following:

  • Aesthetics – Does it look good?
  • Uniqueness – Maybe your pooch lead you to an albino or a monster buck?
  • Creativity – Maybe you showed something “unique” in your composition?
  • Storytelling – Maybe you want to do a short (emphasis on short, just a few paragraphs max) write-up of your adventures?

So, plenty of ways to make your entry stand-out this time around, so no need to get concerned if you aren’t normally the artistic type! As is typical for most of our competitions of this type, please do not edit any pictures, they should be taken in-game using only our existing filters etc.  Don’t forget to link to a hunting log if your picture is showing off a particularly large trophy!

Post your entries here.

Aaaand again with another perfect segway…on the topic of dogs:

Pointers on your Pointer – An Instructional video

Our wonderful art team have taken the time to put together this handy tutorial video to guide you around the talents and inner workings of the German Pointer.  There’s a lot of useful info that applies to all of our dog breeds, so it’s worth a look!

Sneak Peek – Community Competition

I thought I’d include a little hint as to what we have coming up soon.  Our wonderful Italian theHunter community have regular competitions in partnership with an Italian ammunition manufacturer, Fiocchi Munizioni (you may have seen us wear some of their merch goodies on the stream in the past). Now they are opening up a special event for our entire community to take part in!

This one is going to be extra special with some awesome physical prizes to be won in addition the normal em$ prizes you’ve come to expect.  I’ll say again, this is a biggie! Watch for more news from Mat next week.

Rare and Trophy of the Week
This competition has become so popular that we have decided to make it a permanent feature and it’s here to stay for the foreseeable future!

So, if you have shot a rare or high scoring animal from this week and want a chance to win, then share them in the correct thread on our forum, don’t forget to mention the score! 

We were sure to dig a little further back this time around to take into account missing a week with Mat’s daddy leave etc. Also, because I’m feeling generous, this week I picked out two of each category!

This Weeks Winners

Rotw1Rares of course involve a good solid dose of good ‘ol luck alongside your hunting skills.  What’s luckier than starting off your hunt to find an albino Roe parked up right in front of you?! Congrats to you Nathan112244!

Winner number two is RavenousFox with this beauty of a (white)Blacktail.  That’s a fine looking albino!, and some equally fine dress sense! Final score: 159.293


AlphaSwan just snuck into this week’s bracket with this cracker of a Gadwall.  With a final score of 1399.965 that’s straight to the top of the leaderboard for you sir!

Sometimes hard work pays-off, and for XxStrong1xX this tough hunt resulted in the #9 spot of our Boar leaderboard, tallying in at a score of 1244.314

IMPORTANT: Please respond in the forum thread for this Status Update with your in-game nickname so I can get your prize to you.  Just a favour this time to speed things up and stop me digging around to find your original posts again. 😉

Thanks for taking part everybody!

Free Species Rotation

And to sign out this week’s Status Update, we have this week’s Free Species Rotation, you’ll be able to hunt these license-free from tomorrow

That about wraps-up our Status Update for this week.  Stay tuned for the next one from Mat!



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Status Update

Hello Hunters!

I’ll be covering for Mat again with this Status Update whilst he continues to enjoy some quality time with his newly-expanded family, if you didn’t send your congratulations yet feel free to go and say hi in our forum thread here

Otherwise please read on for some info on the goings on both recently and in the near future!

Good Shot Old Chap!THC_tweed_fb_270618_1024x512px

The EHR is soon to get that bit classier as it’s filled with dashing ladies and gents wearing this new beautiful herringbone tweed hunting outfit. Not only does this outfit guarantee to get you the best table in any post-hunt restaurant you visit, but it also provides extra camouflage when hunting deer or rabbits. Jolly Good! Look for the “English Hunting” items in store.

Rare and Trophy of the Week

This competition has become so popular that we have decided to make it a permanent feature and it’s here to stay for the foreseeable future!

So, if you have shot a rare or high scoring animal from this week and want a chance to win, then share them in the correct thread on our forum, don’t forget to mention the score! Rares go into this thread and trophy animals into this one. We currently don’t have a competition for Non-Typicals, but they go into this thread.

We were sure to dig a little further back this time around to take into account missing a week with Mat’s daddy leave etc.

This Weeks Winners

This week’s Rare of the Week goes to “Essacksumra” for this beautiful piebald blacktail! With such a nicely composed trophy shot this one just about nudged out some other excellent contenders to take the win.  Final scoring was 78.111.

And our Trophy of the Week just HAS to go to this whopper (seems weird to use that descriptor for a Roe Deer) of a trophy!  “Vanndy” took themselves straight to the top of the leaderboard with solid score of 261.027, Big congrats to you!

Free Species Rotation

This time around you can take your pick between wild boar or reindeer.  Best of luck to all of you!

Fixed Issues With Hunter Score After .300 Merge

The issue known as the” missing HunterScore due to the merge of the .300 rifles” was resolved last week. The servers should at this point have recalculated all scores, if you continue to notice something appears off please do let us know!

Summer is Coming!

Those of you who’ve been around a while will know that Sweden has pretty awesome employment laws when it comes to vacation, and we also have about two weeks out of every year to actually see the sun.  As such, things will start to slow down a little over the next weeks as people start to head away for some well-earned R&R, we’ll have a full studio shutdown for the last two weeks of July in fact. So don’t panic if things seem a little slow, we’ll be back filled with new energy and raring to go!

Thanks for reading, and see you all next time!

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Status Update

Hello Hunters,

I hope you are all having a good week, today’s Status Update brings everyone the final information regarding the 2018 Football Jamboree as well as some information about other events players can look forward to over the summer break!


theHunter: Classic Football Jamboree 2018


The Football Jamboree is an event like none other on the calendar year and it is easy to participate!

This year there are two competitions, the ‘Main Event’ and ‘theHunter Football Jamboree League’.

The ‘Main Event’ is directly influenced by the FIFA World Cup and all you have to do is head to theHunter Store and purchase the pants that represent your favorite team or teams. Then if your team wins the FIFA World Cup, you win this lovely ‘Golden 10 GA Lever Action Shotgun’:


The top 3 positions all come with a nice trophy and they are ‘Gold’, ‘Silver’ and ‘Bronze’ respectively:

worldcup_2018_gold worldcup_2018_silver worldcup_2018_bronze

‘theHunter: Classic Football Jamboree League’

This event is our very own, around the world competition. Over the course of the FIFA World Cup there will be 8 different competitions that are reserve specific, each competition lasts for 4 days and your highest scores combined from each animal species on the reserve is your competition criteria. Each competition has its own unique trophies, which are also reserve specific. Here is a look at the Trophies from the Hirschfelden Comp:

field_trophy_hf_gold field_trophy_hf_silver field_trophy_hf_bronze field_trophy_hf_hematite

Waaaaaaay more information about both competitions, as well as score sheets and all the teams for the ‘Main Event’ can be found in this post HERE in our forum.


Midsummer Competition 2018


On top of the Football Jamboree, we are also going to be hosting the annual ‘Midsummer Event’, which runs from June the 20th to June the 25th. That is 5 days of even more competitions, sales and a very nice mission pack to look forward too. Even though we are thin on the ground due to holidays, we are still bringing you the content! More details will be available next week.


Albino Ambition #2


This wraps up the last week of this competition, they appear to have been much harder to find than the Whitetail or Moose variations… I guess that’s why they call them ‘rares’!

This weeks winner:


‘Nockedup’, for this very nice Mule Buck! A nice trophy shot and with a score of 138.936 it gives it a great visual boost as well!

GDPR Regulations Changes.

You might have noticed some extra notifications in the launcher and website regarding GDPR. Please take the time to read through the information provided, because some policies and agreements have changed.

Known Issue(s)/Fixes

Missing Hunter Score. This was caused by both the .300 and .300 carbon being merged by mistake. We are looking into a possible fix and will have more information to you as soon as we have a solution. Sorry! (Ongoing Investigation)

Barrel/Bait Sites. Investigation has commenced and we will update with more information when we have it. Please continue to provide your input on the bug forums as we are having difficult replicating this issue. The more information we have the sooner we will have a fix to you!

Gun Wobble in Towers. We think this one has been squished, we are putting it through the testing phase. As soon as we are happy, we will add it into the next patch.

Projectiles not registering after 500m. We are currently investigating, we know why it is happening, we just have to work out how to fix it.

Deployable Targets Not Rendering beyond 220m. We are confident that we have this one nailed as well. As soon as we finish the testing it will be added to the next patch.

Fast Traveling Ropes. We are confident that we have this one nailed as well. As soon as we finish the testing it will be added to the next patch. You can expect a very healthy patch in the near future.


Rare and Trophy of the Week

This competition has become so popular that we have decided to make it a permanent feature and it’s here to stay for the foreseeable future!

So, if you have shot a rare or high scoring animal from this week and want a chance to win, then share them in the correct thread on our forum, don’t forget to mention the score! Rares go into this thread and trophy animals into this one. We currently don’t have a competition for Non-Typicals, but they go into this thread.

This Weeks Winners


The ‘Trophy of the Week’ is this monstrous Moose which was shot by forum user ‘Nathan112244’. It has a massive score of 225.307, congratulations! If you are unsure of what many consider a trophy Moose, it is anything over the 200 scoring mark.


And the ‘Rare of the Week’ goes to ‘Sova’ for this double rare picture. One Piebald and one Melanistic Elk! I do believe that is an entry into the super rare gallery, congratulations!


Free Rotation


This week’s free rotation, lets our guest hunters test their skills against Grey Wolf and Rocky Mountain Elk. Good luck and have fun!

Have a great week all,


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Status Update

Hello Hunters,
Yesterday was National Day of Sweden and the whole country was out in the sunshine enjoying themselves. But it was also the reason the Status Update is on Thursday this week. So no more delays… let’s dive into that information!

Deployable Targets


These new additions have been out in the store for two days now and we are getting some very nice feedback from the community, almost as nice as the feedback you receive when shooting those bells, “DIIINNNNNG!”
So how do they work? Here is a run down on everything you need to know:
All Deployable Targets and Shooting Mats are deployed with the same functionality as any other deployable item in game. All Mats and Targets spook animals when placed. The reserve limit for Mats and Targets is 30.

Shooting Mats:

  • To use a mat, approach it and once the option appears, press ‘E’ and follow the prompts in the radial menu.
  • While on the mat you will not consume ammunition, all shots will be registered on the scoreboard (in Multiplayer only) and you can not shoot at animals.
    While on the mat a player can not walk or run, but can enter any firing stance (Standing, crouching and prone).
  • Firing from the mat will spook animals.
  • The shooting mats remove foliage when placed on the ground, this has been done to assist with a clearer field of vision.
  • We wanted to make this as flexible as we could for users to create competitions, so shooters do not have to be bound to one mat. You could in theory set up a shooting course. For example a competitor could start at mat ‘A’, have to shoot 3 targets, with 3 bullets in ‘X’ amount of time. Then run to mat ‘B’ and shoot the next lot of targets with whatever house rules have decided and then move to… etc.
  • Only the host can clear the scoreboard.
  • To leave a mat, simply press the ‘E’ button again.
  • There are 3 different variations to pick from, all provide the same function.

Animal Targets:

  • There are 3 animal silhouettes you can pick from, a Rabbit, Deer and Bear.
  • Each animal type comes in three different colour variations, White, Black or Black with a Red Outline.
  • There are no difference in functionality between the colour variations, we triedto provide a range that would work in different environments. We also understand that everyone’s eyes work differently and we hope that these variations help to cater to these needs.
  • Each animal scores different points when hit in the red bell (Rabbit 7, Deer 5 and Bear 3)
  • If you are close enough, you will get a very satisfying ‘Ding’ noise to confirm you have hit.
  • To free people up from FPS drop, bullet holes will always show if you hit the bell. But over 120m, the bullet decals will not show anywhere else on the animal models. When testing we found that FPS started to drop quite rapidly the more bullet holes we retained at distance. Never fear, the long range (field) targets show bullet holes at any distance and on the animal targets you can still actually see the projectile impact.
  • Hitting the target in the bell will give you shot information in the bottom right corner, points and distance.

Field Targets:

  • There are 6 different target variations to select from.
  • The more rings a variation has, the more points can be scored when shot.
  • The smallest being 1,2,3 and the largest being 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10, depending which ring you hit.
  • The targets are on a swing arm, meaning they rock back when hit.
  • These targets are designed for the longer shots, but also add more variation into the scoring of any competition that is set up.
  • If you are close enough you will hear the impact on the target, “DING”.
  • Hitting the target will give you shot information in the bottom right hand corner, points and distance.

The Scoreboard:

The Hunter Screenshot 2018.06.07 -

  • Can be accessed by pressing ‘F3’ in multiplayer games.
  • Only a host can clear the scoreboard of scores.
  • Total Score: A players’ total score that has been accumulated by shooting Targets.
  • Total Shots: The total number of shots taken while on a Shooting Mat.
  • Efficiency: Your average score worked out on how many shots have been taken.
  • Accuracy: What percentage of shots have hit the targets.

If you have not had a go with them yet, we will be hosting an open multiplayer game today live on stream and you can come and try to out shoot me 🙂 …. Should be easy!



theHunter: Classic Football Jamboree 2018


Next Thursday this amazing event kicks off, last Thursday on stream we revealed the ‘Golden Gun’ that everyone can win, and this year it is the popular ‘10 GA Lever Action Shotgun’. If you would like to see it in the flesh you can check out the replay here, skip to 6mins 45seconds to check out the ‘Golden Gun’ and stay around longer if you want to see the Deployable Targets in action as well!

Next Wednesday the full event details will be available to everyone in the Status Update and in the forums. But my tip would be to start googling which teams are the favorite to win the 2018 FIFA World cup.


Swedish Holidays and ‘Swewis’ (Skip if you read it last week)

We are now entering Summer for the Northern Hemisphere, this means the holiday period is soon here for most countries. Stockholm is a ghost town throughout July and August as Swedes go and let out a years worth of bottled up emotions and stress on other countries around the world. If you would like a little tongue-in-cheek look into Swedish Culture this video sums it all up pretty well.

But anyway how does this affect you guys??? Well hopefully it doesn’t, but it is worth mentioning a few things to consider:
We will have a much thinner team here over the two months. We have staggered out holidays amongst the team, so we always have people here, however our bandwidth will be a lot smaller.
Status Updates will become Bi-weekly.
Our Support team will always be available, but with a reduced team size, response times will be slower than normal.
We still have an action packed summer planned with lots of fun events and some very nice releases!

What is a ‘Swewi’ you are asking? Well if a baby is born that is half Swedish and half Kiwi, that is what you end up with, a ‘Swewi’! My partner Jenny and I are expecting a baby boy, he is due on the 24th of June and so at any time or day shortly I will have to take off for a month. We are both very excited as this is our first child and while I think I am mentally prepared for this… I know I never really will be, exciting times!


Albino Ambition #2


We have updated both the Mule and Blacktail Deer Albino skins and if you happen to shoot one of the new ones, make sure you post it here for your chance to win some sweet prizes! It will run for a whole month and we will be picking one winner every week. These seem to be a lot harder to find than the Albino Moose and Whitetail Deer, so if you have shot one, make sure you enter it in the competition, as you have a great chance to win! Good luck!

This weeks winner:


gr1zzly1 for this very nice BlackTail Buck! Congrats. A very nice trophy shot! Next week is your last chance to win in this competition, good luck!

GDPR Regulations Changes.

You might have noticed some extra notifications in the launcher and website regarding GDPR. Please take the time to read through the information provided, because some policies and agreements have changed.

Known Issue(s)/Fixes

Missing Hunter Score. This was caused by both the .300 and .300 carbon being merged by mistake. We are looking into a possible fix and will have more information to you as soon as we have a solution. Sorry! (Ongoing Investigation)

Barrel/Bait Sites. Investigation has commenced and we will update with more information when we have it.

Gun Wobble in Towers. We are aware of this issue and believe we have found the issue, after we are happy that it has been fixed, you can expect it in a game update soon.

Projectiles not registering after 500m. We are currently investigating, we know why it is happening, we just have to work out how to fix it.

Deployable Targets Not Rendering beyond 220m. This one is a little bit more complex to solve, but it will happen. A work around, until it is solved, once a target has been brought into render, it will stay. So you can either walk up to within 200m of the targets, or put a tent off to the side, halfway down the range and then walk back up to your shooting position. We understand this is inconvenient and frustrating. Sorry.

Fast Traveling Ropes. We are aware of this issue and aim to have it fixed as soon as we can.

Rare and Trophy of the Week

This competition has become so popular that we have decided to make it a permanent feature and it’s here to stay for the foreseeable future!
So, if you have shot a rare or high scoring animal from this week and want a chance to win, then share them in the correct thread on our forum, don’t forget to mention the score! Rares go into this thread and trophy animals into this one. We currently don’t have a competition for Non-Typicals, but they go into this thread.

This Weeks Winners


The ‘Trophy of the Week’ is this nice Willow Ptarmigan which was shot by Hifisch. It has a great score of 806, congratulations! If you are unsure of what many consider a trophy Willow Ptarmigan, it is anything over the 700 scoring mark.


And the ‘Rare of the Week’ goes to smiledmeteor443 for this Silver Tipped Red Fox, scoring 9.125. An amazing trophy and a very nice trophy shot, congratulations!

Free Rotation


This week’s free rotation, lets our guest hunters test their skills against Red Kangaroo and Bighorn Sheep. Good luck and have fun!

Have a great week all,


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Status Update

Hello Hunters,

Since the last update, I can hardly see you all now, lucky I have my nice new spotting scope…ahhhh my Mum thinks I am funny!

In today’s Status Update, we will be starting to take a look at the summer plans for theHunter: Classic, this includes up and coming competitions and addressing the holiday period here in Sweden!


theHunter: Classic Football Jamboree 2018


Two years have passed just like that and it’s nearly already time for the 2018 FIFAWorld Cup! Now I must say, Football, or Soccer as it is called in New Zealand, is not as big a deal to most people as Rugby is, but this competition really excites me because of the layout and fun ‘Round Robin’ style of the event.

The event will kick off on Thursday the 14th of June, which gives you two weeks to start planning your strategy to ensure you secure yourself the the ‘Golden Gun’. In 2016 it was the ‘Royal Bullpup’. The gun this year is equally as nice and if you tune into the stream on Thursday, you will get a first-hand look at it.

Closer to the event we will release the full event rules and details set out for the 2018 competition. But the main part of the event consists of purchasing an item of clothing that represents your team or teams of choice. The first year it was caps, 2016 saw players wearing shirts and this year if you own the pants for the winning team in the end, you will win the ‘Golden Gun’. All the pants are heavily discounted before the games start, with the discount gradually reduced as the World cup progresses, which is where people’s strategies will come into play. Will you buy all the pants from the start? Will you purchase the pants of 10 teams you feel have a shot? Will you wait until the finals and just buy both teams pants? Maybe you know your country will win and you just purchase the one pair of pants! To give you some more history of the event you can read more details from the 2016 Event here and the 2014 Event here. It is worth mentioning again that the 2018 rules may differ slightly and these past links should be used as a guide, so you get an idea of what you can expect from this year’s event.

As well as the main event, there will be Bi-Weekly competitions and a mission pack available for everyone to partake in. I am looking forward to it…Though I am not sure which team I will support this year??? “Heja Sverige”(Go Sweden)!?


Swedish Holidays and ‘Swewis’

We are now entering Summer for the Northern Hemisphere, this means the holiday period is soon here for most countries. Stockholm is a ghost town throughout July and August as Swedes go and let out a years worth of bottled up emotions and stress on other countries around the world. If you would like a little tongue-in-cheek look into Swedish Culture this video sums it all up pretty well.

But anyway how does this affect you guys??? Well hopefully it doesn’t, but it is worth mentioning a few things to consider:

  • We will have a much thinner team here over the two months. We have staggered out holidays amongst the team, so we always have people here, however our bandwidth will be a lot smaller.
  • Status Updates will become Bi-weekly.
  • Our Support team will always be available, but with a reduced team size, response times will be slower than normal.

We still have an action packed summer planned with lots of fun events and some very nice releases!

What is a ‘Swewi’ you are asking? Well if a baby is born that is half Swedish and half Kiwi, that is what you end up with, a ‘Swewi’! My partner Jenny and I are expecting a baby boy, he is due on the 24th of June and so at any time or day shortly I will have to take off for a month. We are both very excited as this is our first child and while I think I am mentally prepared for this… I know I never really will be, exciting times!

A New Associate Community Manager

ac bild 2

This is a great chance to introduce our new Associate Community Manager, Ann-Charlotte, but you can call her AC for short! She is great fun to work with and brings even more energy and enthusiasm to the team, I am sure she is going to fit in amongst the community very well! AC will be mainly working on COTW, but while I am away you can expect to see both AC and Graham active in the forums and handling all that precious information that everyone craves. Anyway here is a nice intro from AC herself and you can meet her live on stream tomorrow.

“Hey everyone!

My name is Ann-Charlotte, but you can call me AC. I am your new associate community manager that will work with Matt and Graham on theHunter-titles. I’ve been playing games for long as I can remember (a LOT of Half Life Deathmatch with my friends during my teenage years) but love a wide range of game genres. I’ve also spent several summers at the Polish countryside, staying at my mother’s friend’s hunting residence, where hunters from Poland and Germany went to hunt boar and deer – which somehow contributes to a nostalgic feeling when I’m playing the game. Before I joined the team I studied a bachelor of arts in media and communication studies, where I also wrote my final thesis about Sheva Alomar in Resident Evil 5. I’m super excited to be a part of your community! :)”


Albino Ambition #2


We have updated both the Mule and Blacktail Deer Albino skins and if you happen to shoot one of the new ones, make sure you post it here for your chance to win some sweet prizes! It will run for a whole month and we will be picking one winner every week. These seem to be a lot harder to find than the Albino Moose and Whitetail Deer, so if you have shot one, make sure you enter it in the competition, as you have a great chance to win! Good luck!

This weeks winner:


Hogtracker for this very nice Mule doe! Congrats. Nobody has shot a male of either species yet, who will be the first?

GDPR Regulations Changes.

You might have noticed some extra notifications in the launcher and website regarding GDPR. Please take the time to read through the information provided, because some policies and agreements have changed.

Known Issue(s)/Fixes

Missing Hunter Score. This was caused by both the .300 and .300 carbon being merged by mistake. We are looking into a possible fix and will have more information to you as soon as we have a solution. Sorry! (Ongoing Investigation)


Rare and Trophy of the Week

This competition has become so popular that we have decided to make it a permanent feature and it’s here to stay for the foreseeable future!

So, if you have shot a rare or high scoring animal from this week and want a chance to win, then share them in the correct thread on our forum, don’t forget to mention the score! Rares go into this thread and trophy animals into this one. We currently don’t have a competition for Non-Typicals, but they go into this thread.

This Weeks Winners


The ‘Trophy of the Week’ is this nice Alpine Ibex which was shot by zacht180. It has a great score of 262.603, congratulations! If you are unsure of what many consider a trophy Alpine Ibex, it is anything over the 260 scoring mark.


And the ‘Rare of the Week’ goes to Columbo for this brown leucistic goose, scoring 4587.683. An amazing trophy and a very nice trophy shot, congratulations!


Free Rotation


This week’s free rotation, which changes tomorrow, lets our guest hunters test their skills against all Ptarmigan Species. Good luck and have fun!

Have a great week all,


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Status Update

Hello Hunters,

Surprise!… A Status Update on Monday. Why you may ask? Well I was sick last week and had promised a good Status Update, so I hope this makes up for it. But really, this is a very special week and all going to plan, this Wednesday you will be getting your hands on the following huge game enhancements… Wait was that a plural? Yes that is right, there are two new big enhancements this week!


Extended Render Range


Some of you guessed it after the first hint had gone out, I really must work on making the hints harder! But yes, I feel very privileged to be presenting to you all the new and improved ‘Extended Render Range’, or ERR for short!

320m Is now the maximum distance you will be able to see in a horizontal plane. We are aware that a portion of our players have computers that run on low graphics settings and to insure their game play is not hampered, we have tied the ERR to the scene complexity setting, no computer upgrades needed! 🙂

  • If you have a computer that runs on ‘low scene complexity’, you will maintain the current 220m maximum horizontal vision.
  • If you have a computer that runs on ‘medium scene complexity’ you will get the improved 270m maximum horizontal vision.
  • If you have a computer that runs on ‘high or very high scene complexity’ you will get the full 320m horizontal vision.

Now when I got told about the extended render range being worked on, apparently my face was priceless and I looked like a kid that had just been handed the biggest ice cream ever. After I had calmed down a little bit I said “OO OOO OOO We are going to need better optics and scopes” Because as it is now, the spotting scope only just spots ibex at range and the rifle scopes are pushing the limits at 220m. So here are some new toys that I for one can’t wait to use.

30x65mm Spotting Scope


This addition is going to be a must, boasting an impressive 30x65mm zoom, spotting animals at these new extreme ranges will be a breeze!


5.5-22x56mm RifleScope ‘Eagle Mk I’


This scope has been designed with long distance shooting in mind and has been made to fit the higher Velocity weapons in the game and currently the list is:


  • 7mm Magnum Break Action Rifles
  • 7mm Magnum Bullpup Rifles
  • 8×57 IS Anschütz 1780 D FL Bolt Action Rifles
  • 9.3×62 Anschütz 1780 D FL Bolt Action Rifles
  • 9.3x74R O/U Break Action Rifles
  • .30 R O/U Break Action Rifles
  • .45-70 Government Lever Action Rifles
  • .223 Bolt Action Rifles
  • .300 Bolt Action Rifles
  • .340 Weatherby Magnum Bolt Action Rifles

As with any new feature we will be monitoring community feedback, but I am hoping this has got you all just as excited as I am! It is also worth mentioning as another little teaser that deployable targets are in the making, and soon everyone will be able to see how the guns perform over these new ranges. Speaking of deployables….



Multiplayer Deployables

The second feature to be released on Wednesday is ‘Multiplayer Deployables’, this now means that you can take your favorite deployables, such as treestands or blinds with you and deploy them in anyone’s multiplayer games.

If you get disconnected, end the hunt, or leave the session under any circumstances. Any deployables you have placed in that session get returned to your inventory and can be used again in your next hunt. This also comes with a little warning however, if you are in a users treestand that is not the host and they get disconnected, you get dropped to the ground and might have to make some evasive maneuvers to still shoot that animal that is wandering in. We are looking at a way to improve this, but I am sure you will agree, if you were disconnected, you would want to make sure your treestand was safe and sound back in your inventory!

We will be watching this feature for community feedback closely and interested to see how everyone enjoys it.


Albino Ambition #2

We have updated both the Mule and Blacktail Deer Albino skins and if you happen to shoot one of the new ones, make sure you post it here for your chance to win some sweet prizes! It will run for a whole month and we will be picking one winner every week. These seem to be a lot harder to find than the Albino Moose and Whitetail Deer, so if you have shot one, make sure you enter it in the competition, as you have a great chance to win! Good luck!

This weeks winner:


Granti for this very nice mule doe! Congrats.


GDPR Regulations Changes.

In the coming days you might notice some extra notifications in the launcher and website regarding GDPR. Please take the time to read through the information provided, because some policies and agreements have changed.


Known Issue(s)/Fixes

Missing Rabbit/Hare sign. We have received reports of ‘roaming tracks’ and other signs missing for all the Rabbit/Hare species, we are looking into it and will have a fix out for it as soon as it is resolved. But just to put your mind at rest, the animals ARE still in the game and can be harvested if shot. (Ongoing Investigation)

Missing Hunter Score. This was caused by both the .300 and .300 carbon being merged by mistake. We are looking into a possible fix and will have more information to you as soon as we have a solution. Sorry! (Ongoing Investigation)


Rare and Trophy of the Week

Due to myself being sick last week, we have had a little lag in the competition. But it has started back up already with RudiRR taking out Trophy of the week with this nice Black Bear and a funny trophy shot to boot! It has a very nice score of 23.583.


Rare of the Week as per usual will be selected this coming Wednesday, so if you have shot a rare animal, it is not too late Enter Here!



Free Rotation


The current animals that are available to hunt are Roosevelt Elk and Feral Goats


This week’s free rotation, which changes on Wednesday, lets our guest hunters test their skills against Coyote and Bison. Good luck and have fun!

Have a great week all,


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Status Update

Hello Hunters,

Graham here standing in for Mat as he undertakes some essential beard maintenance (facial hair that magnificent takes a lot of work!), as such this Status Update will just be a short mention on today’s store changes, normal business resumes next week!

So, on with the news:

.30-06 Fiesta!


Cast your memories back to last year’s Summer Fiesta, you’ll remember a very special Forest Camo variant of the .30-06 lever-action rifle which only a few had the opportunity to win. Today it’s been opened up for general sale to everybody!

You can pick up your very own .30-06 Lever Action – Forest Camo from the store now for 550 em$.

As always, our stream kicks off on twitch tomorrow at 16:00 CEST (, we are hopeful we have something extra-special to show off this week, but more news will follow on Thursday.

See you then!



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Status Update

Hello Hunters,

Today’s status update will be a little shorter than usual, but next week’s one will be jam packed again, make sure you don’t miss it! This week in Sweden we have a public holiday on Thursday, so if communications appear a little slower, this will be why. Everything will be back to normal on Friday and hopefully you don’t even notice we are gone!


2018 Sneakathon Event

Sneakathon_SplashScreen_ 040518 -Promo

This week we kicked off our annual Sneakathon Event. It runs for 7 days and consists of daily sales, tiered competitions which are free and a brand new ‘Grand Competition’, which has a small entry fee. It is a little optional extra but gives you the chance to compete for much better prizes. All the competitions have some very challenging components to them and I am sure they will be very satisfying once completed. Before we get into the prizes, I would just like to state that the ‘Grand Competition’ is just a trial at this stage. We are closely monitoring community feedback and will also look at the event statistics to see how the wider community liked the event. There has already been some great feedback come in and with the community survey closing today, I am sure we will have even more feedback to consider.

Now prizes!

There will be three different tiered competitions to test your luck, spread across the week and they have the following prize pool:

  • 1st Place – Trophy and 150em$
  • 2nd Place – Trophy and 100em$
  • 3rd Place – Trophy and 50em$
  • 4th-10th Place – Trophy and 25em$

The ‘Grand Sneakathon Competition: The True Silent Hunter’ Competition runs the full 7 days and for a small 10em$ you have a much better prize pool to chance your luck at:

  • 1st Place – Special Trophy and 300em$
  • 2nd Place – Special Trophy and 200em$
  • 3rd Place – Special Trophy and 100em$
  • 4th-10th Place – Special Trophy and 50em$

You can purchase your ticket for the ‘Grand Master Competition’ here and enter all the competitions here.

Here are the very nice trophies you have a chance at winning.

Sneakathon_SplashScreen_ 090518 -Trophies

Good luck all!


theHunter: Classic Player Survey 2018


The 2018 Player Survey is now closed. We had a great response and I am pleased to say that, despite early fears, all the results look normal and we will be adding lots more Ptarmigan species on all of the maps… I am just joking, put that rotten fruit down!

Time to announce the winners of the em$! Multiple entries were removed from the results and winners were decided using a random number generator.

Congratulations to:

  • Baron11
  • ViolynceNox
  • Elrique64

All the em$ have been delivered to your accounts, enjoy.

On behalf of all the team here at theHunter: Classic I would like to thank everyone for taking the time to fill in the survey.


Albino Ambition #2


We have updated both the Mule and Blacktail Deer Albino skins and if you happen to shoot one of the new ones, make sure you post it here for your chance to win some sweet prizes! It will run for a whole month and we will be picking one winner every week. Good luck!

This weeks winner:


Bloopy0123 for this very nice doe! Congrats.

How many Magpie Geese were shot?

In last weeks Status Update there was a guessing competition and people had to enter their guesses over on our forums. There were 35,772 Magpie Geese shot as of 10am CEST last Wednesday and that means our winner is TriRap02 with a guess of 35,000 and a difference of only 772. Well done!

What’s on the Lathe?


New Gameplay Enhancement

You have had two clues now and following the recap, you will be able to find the new third clue.

First Clue:

The Hunter Screenshot 2018.04.25 -

Second clue:

Hint 2

New Clue:


Actually you know what… Here is a 4th clue. The new gameplay enhancement comes with a few new items… 😉


Known Issue(s)/Fixes

Flickering Scope Bug. We are confident we have found the cause of this bug, it was a tricky issue to locate. As usual we will monitor the community to make sure it has be resolved, this will be patched in the next update.

Missing Rabbit/Hare sign. We have received reports of ‘roaming tracks’ and other signs missing for all the Rabbit/Hare species, we are looking into it and will have a fix out for it as soon as it is resolved. But just to put your mind at rest, the animals ARE still in the game and can be harvested if shot. (Ongoing Investigation)

Missing Hunter Score. This was caused by both the .300 and .300 carbon being merged by mistake. We are looking into a possible fix and will have more information to you as soon as we have a solution. Sorry! (Ongoing Investigation)


Rare and Trophy of the Week

This competition has become so popular that we have decided to make it a permanent feature and it’s here to stay for the foreseeable future!

So, if you have shot a rare or high scoring animal from this week and want a chance to win, then share them in the correct thread on our forum, don’t forget to mention the score! Rares go into this thread and trophy animals into this one. We currently don’t have a competition for Non-Typicals, but they go into this thread.

This Week’s Winners


The ‘Trophy of the Week’ is this MASSIVE Whitetail Deer which was shot by Granti. It has an impressive score of 204,998, congratulations! If you are unsure of what many consider a trophy Whitetail, it is anything over the 175 scoring mark.


And the ‘Rare of the Week’ goes to Bloop0123 for this Albino Fox, with a score of 17.544. An amazing trophy, one many would class this as a super rare, congratulations and I bet it looks great in your Trophy Lodge!


Free Rotation


This week’s free rotation, which changes today, as tomorrow is a public holiday here, lets our guest hunters test their skills against Arctic Fox and Bobcats. Good luck and have fun!

Have a great week all,


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Status Update

Hello Hunters,

Happy hump day. Today we will be taking a look at the Magpie Goose and what you can expect, from the gear, to the mechanics and everything in between. Then, just to add to the hype, I mentioned last stream that this week I will be dropping a hint as to a HUGE new gameplay enhancement that is nearing the end of its tests.


Magpie Goose


So, last week we introduced the new species that is making an appearance into the EHR, the Magpie Goose. Now they have been released, as they say in Australia you will be able to ‘have a crack at them!’

Now, I had never even heard of these birds before they started talking about them here at EW. So I even had to do a little research on them myself to make sure I knew what I was talking about. If anyone else is interested the Wikipedia entry is worth a little read. These birds actually have a lot of historical significance in Australia and New Guinea.

So how are they going to work in the game?

Like other waterfowl, having a good blind and decoy setup will be the most effective way to hunt the Magpie Goose. However unlike the other waterfowl species in the game, the Magpie Goose can land on both water and land. This will mean setting up a blind and decoys has a new little twist to it, be sure to find an open waterway with a neighbouring open piece of land as well, easier said than done in Piccabeen Bay! Like the other waterfowl species it is possible to come across grounded birds, so keep an ear out for their distinctive calls as you make your way across the map.

There are three static Magpie decoys and one mechanical decoy with animated wings. Each static decoys has a probability of attraction of 1/24 and each mechanical decoy has a probability of 6/24. Whatever combination you decide on for your blind setup, having a value of 24 is the maximum attraction you can achieve. For instance I might have 2 Mechanical Decoys and 12 Static decoys which gives me 24/24 attraction. If I added 5 more static decoys and one mechanical, this would give me 35/24 attraction and I would be better to setup a new blind in another location on the map, as the additional decoys have no extra affect in the area.

Three different callers are available, the ‘Long Range’ caller, ‘Short Range’ and the ‘Flag Lure’. Much like the other waterfowl species the ‘Long Range’ caller or the ‘Flag Lure’ should be used when a flock is spotted as these are designed to increase the chance that birds will break from the passing flock. Once you get some breakers you then need to quickly switch to the ‘Short Range’ caller, this is the final ‘Hey we are over here’ call that is needed to bring the broken birds closer to your decoys and blind, making it easier to shoot them. The more people you have with ‘Long Range’ callers or ‘Flag Lures,’ the higher probability you have of birds breaking, so make sure all your blind buddies have callers on them as well. It is also worth mentioning that the Canada Goose callers have a 50% chance of attracting the Magpie Geese as well.


Your retriever is also going to be handy with these birds as you can stay in your blind as he does all the leg work for you and will bring them back in!

As per usual we will not be too specific about the scoring, but like the other waterfowl species, weight is the key factor here and there are some very nice rares out there to be found.

We look forward to watching the community work out the best spots to set up blinds and I am also intrigued to see who manages to shoot the first rare! Good luck and don’t forget to check out the handy bundles which offer good savings!


theHunter: Classic Player Survey 2018


It is that time of the year where we invite you to participate in our annual player survey and you have your chance to have a say in the direction of this amazing game. Just for participating you have a chance to win yourself 1000em$, so don’t miss out! Click here to participate in the Survey.

What’s on the Lathe?


New Gameplay Enhancement

I have said since the start of the year that the road map is very exciting and packed full of some awesome features. This is one that had me smiling like I had just won the lottery when they announced it was being worked on, and it has been a highly requested feature from the community for years.

In true theHunter: Classic style, we will be releasing a series of hints up until it’s release. The first hint, well, all I can say is that I had to have a good long think about it to make sure I didn’t give anything away. These clues will be designed to be hard and there will be many smoke screens along the way to try and keep you guessing, the correct clues will always be there, you just might need to look a little deeper than usual. The clues will get easier as we get closer to launch. Here is the first clue:

The Hunter Screenshot 2018.04.25 -


.17 HMR HV Ammo


Next week the wait is over and you will be able to get your hands on this nice little addition for the .17HMR. These rounds will be additional to the current ones and cost no extra if you already own the rifle and if you have a membership they are replenished like all other boxes of ammo.

Ethical list for HMR-HV (currently and subject to change):

  • Arctic Fox
  • Bobcat
  • Canada Goose
  • Magpie Goose
  • Red Fox
  • Turkey

The idea is that you can now utilise the .17HMR more and having the additional ammo, adds another tool to your box while you are out there hunting. Enjoy!


theHunter: Live Q&A Dev Session


Join us tomorrow, 4pm CEST on Twitch for a live Q&A session with some of the Devs, they will be on stream with us, as well as in the chat with you! So write down all your burning questions and we will do our best to answer them all!

WRR Issues

I am pleased to announce that, in our next patch, which is not far away now, we will have what we hope is a fix for the WRR crash. Everything looks good on our end. Thanks so much for everyone’s patience, help and understanding. We look forward to hearing your feedback to ensure the issues have been resolved.


Rare and Trophy of the Week

This competition has become so popular that we have decided to make it a permanent feature and it’s here to stay for the foreseeable future!

So, if you have shot a rare or high scoring animal from this week and want a chance to win, then share them in the correct thread on our forum, don’t forget to mention the score! Rares go into this thread and trophy animals into this one. We currently don’t have a competition for Non-Typicals, but they go into this thread.

This Week’s Winners


The ‘Trophy of the Week’ is this huge Coyote which was shot by Hifisch. It has a great score of 58.244, congratulations! If you are unsure of what many consider a trophy Coyote, it is anything over the 56 scoring mark.


And the ‘Rare of the Week’ goes to moofers152 for this Albino Water Buffalo, which scored 240.805. An amazing trophy, congratulations and I am sure it has other hunters drooling!


Free Rotation


This week’s free rotation, which changes tomorrow, lets our guest hunters test their skills against Water Buffalo and Canada Goose. Good luck and have fun!

Have a great week all,


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Status Update

Hello Hunters,

Oh boy, oh boy! I got the thumbs up today, we can preview the new animal tomorrow live on stream! I am so pumped and hyped for this release, and can’t wait to be able to show you them all tomorrow, more about it later in this Status Update.


Reverse Draw Crossbow – Forest Camo


Today we are releasing the ‘Forest Camo’ Reverse Draw Crossbow, it’s a ‘must have’, not only because of the extra immersion it adds, but because it is a very beautiful, sleek looking variation! Make sure you pick one up today, find it in store here.


New Species Revealed!


As I mentioned above, tomorrow we are going to be previewing the new species live on stream. This time the new species is going to be presented to you in a never before seen preview style, which uses our latest 3rd person camera. This’ll allow you to get up close and personal like never before! It is going to be super exciting and we can’t wait to show you this newest inhabitant of the EHR in all of its glory. Make sure you don’t miss out, tomorrow, 19/4,4pm CEST. Watch here

Now is a good time to have a look back at the previous clues and then take a look at our newest clue, which is the original unedited version of the video you’ve seen previously.  

The image below was your first clue:

Clue 2

The second clue was released as a short video last week which can be viewed on our YouTube account here.

The third clue came in the last Status Update and was this sharpened up image from the video.


So here it is, the last clue before tomorrow’s stream! It is the original unedited video which should paint a clearer picture as to which reserve the new animal is going to be on, and it also should clear up the blurry ‘Crocodile’ image above 😉 View the last clue here.

Make sure to join in the discussion and head over to our forums, let us know what you think the new animal is!


What’s on the Lathe?

Because of the launch of the new species on the horizon, there is a lot to look forward to soon, however talking about them here would be a bit of a spoiler. I should be able share more with you in next week’s SU.

WRR Issues

We have some good news to share with you all, we have been able to reproduce a crash on WRR and now that we have a source to work with, the team is hard at work getting it fixed. Once we have it tested and are sure it is working we will deploy a patch. Thanks so much for everyone’s patience, help and understanding. After it is out, we look forward to hearing your feedback to ensure the issues have been resolved.


Rare and Trophy of the Week

This competition has become so popular that we have decided to make it a permanent feature and it’s here to stay for the foreseeable future!

So, if you have shot a rare or high scoring animal from this week and want a chance to win, then share them in the correct thread on our forum, don’t forget to mention the score! Rares go into this thread and trophy animals into this one. We currently don’t have a competition for Non-Typicals, but they go into this thread.

This Week’s Winners


The ‘Trophy of the Week’ is this very nice Rocky Mountain Elk which was shot by DeerHooman. It has a great score of 416.373, congratulations! If you are unsure of what many consider a trophy Rocky Mountain Elk, it is anything over the 400 scoring mark and upwards.


And the ‘Rare of the Week’ goes to Pupic for this Piebald Roe, which scored 248.775 and qualifies for the super rare gallery on the wiki! . An amazing trophy, congratulations!


Free Rotation


This week’s free rotation, which changes tomorrow, lets our guest hunters test their skills against Blacktail Deer and Brown Bear. Good luck and have fun!

Have a great week all,


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