Howdy hunters,
Welcome to a new year at theHunter! The Expansive Worlds squad are back from their holiday breaks and so are our weekly status updates. We’re kicking off the new year by welcoming some new team members. QA manager Dennis, Executive producer Anna and an animation intern Morris. You’ll get to know these guys better next week.
Here are some snippets of what else we’ve been up to so far.
Ask Us Anything
Do you have some questions for us? I imagine many of you do! Here’s a unique chance to receive a reply to a question you’ve always wanted to ask. Our Ask Us Anything is back! Unlike our previous sessions, this time you can direct your questions to the whole team and I’ll do my best to coordinate the team’s response efforts by relaying them to right people. The AUA thread will be open for 5 days, starting at 15:00 CET on Wednesday, January 13. All questions will be moderated and supervised by myself and the moderation team. I’ll do my best to get you the answers to your questions by within a week of the AUA session closing.
Here’s a reminder of our AUA rules:
- Our Code of Conduct applies
- No tech support and bugs related questions, as these usually require a thorough personal investigation and we have specific channels for those type of queries (customer support and Bug Reports forum)
- Try to avoid opinionated questions, eg. ”Why does the new gun suck?”
- Do not repost your question multiple times
- All questions may be asked, but not all questions may be answered, although we’ll do my best to reply to everything we can. If I the answer is unknown or can’t be revealed, I’ll let you know. Questions will be answered not necessarily in the order in which they’re posted.
The Ask Us Anything thread is now open
Regarding cheaters
We’ve noticed an increase in the amount of reports on cheaters as well as heated discussions regarding this controversial subject in the community forum. We hate cheaters as much as you do and in accordance with our zero-tolerance approach, they do get banned immediately once we have obtained the necessary proof. However, we want to discourage people from accusing other players publicly and indulging in what can only be described as “witch hunts”. We don’t allow and won’t tolerate such behaviour within our community platforms because we don’t want innocent people to suffer unnecessarily. If you suspect someone of cheating, please file a report at and we’ll check all the information provided and, if the case stands, that person will be banned. Thank you for your cooperation assistance, which offers tremendous help in fighting dishonesty within theHunter!
Holiday Event results
Our Holiday event is over and you can find the leaderboard with top 50 here. Congratulations to all the winners, you should by now have received your prizes and trophies. If you haven’t, please contact support at and we’ll sort it out as soon as we can.
We’ve also raffled two more revolvers among all the participants and here are the two lucky winners: HaruoRhs gets a Mule and BearsBack gets a Stallion
Missions and competitions
There have been some questions about missing missions and competitions for the newer species. We are planning to add them, it’s just that our game designers have had their plates full over the last few months, so it’s been taking longer to develop them than usual. We hope to be able to release something fun and engaging for you soon.
Downtime over New Year’s eve
We received reports about a lot of players not being able to play for hours during New Year’s eve. Our backend developer Calle has dug into this matter and has advised me that there was a problem with Google Cloud and certain certificates. The problem self-corrected after a couple of hours. Sorry if your New Year’s eve was affected.
Mungo667 and Morpheus visiting Expansive Worlds
And finally, a wee bit belated, but we received a very nice visit back in autumn. Our German community member Mungo667 visited us with his dog Morpheus on his way to hunting in the Swedish municipality of Åsele. Mungo667 met the team, learned about how we work, did a QA session with our game designer Phil and got a theHunter T-shirt for his dog. It was great to have you Mungo667!
Here is the sweet Morpheus rocking his theHunter T-shirt!
That’s it from us for today, check back next week for more news from us and don’t forget to ask your question in the Ask Us Anything.
Happy Hunting!
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