Hello Hunters!
I’ll be covering for Mat again with this Status Update whilst he continues to enjoy some quality time with his newly-expanded family, if you didn’t send your congratulations yet feel free to go and say hi in our forum thread here.
Otherwise please read on for some info on the goings on both recently and in the near future!
The EHR is soon to get that bit classier as it’s filled with dashing ladies and gents wearing this new beautiful herringbone tweed hunting outfit. Not only does this outfit guarantee to get you the best table in any post-hunt restaurant you visit, but it also provides extra camouflage when hunting deer or rabbits. Jolly Good! Look for the “English Hunting” items in store.
Rare and Trophy of the Week
This competition has become so popular that we have decided to make it a permanent feature and it’s here to stay for the foreseeable future!
So, if you have shot a rare or high scoring animal from this week and want a chance to win, then share them in the correct thread on our forum, don’t forget to mention the score! Rares go into this thread and trophy animals into this one. We currently don’t have a competition for Non-Typicals, but they go into this thread.
We were sure to dig a little further back this time around to take into account missing a week with Mat’s daddy leave etc.
This week’s Rare of the Week goes to “Essacksumra” for this beautiful piebald blacktail! With such a nicely composed trophy shot this one just about nudged out some other excellent contenders to take the win. Final scoring was 78.111.
And our Trophy of the Week just HAS to go to this whopper (seems weird to use that descriptor for a Roe Deer) of a trophy! “Vanndy” took themselves straight to the top of the leaderboard with solid score of 261.027, Big congrats to you!
This time around you can take your pick between wild boar or reindeer. Best of luck to all of you!
Fixed Issues With Hunter Score After .300 Merge
The issue known as the” missing HunterScore due to the merge of the .300 rifles” was resolved last week. The servers should at this point have recalculated all scores, if you continue to notice something appears off please do let us know!
Summer is Coming!
Those of you who’ve been around a while will know that Sweden has pretty awesome employment laws when it comes to vacation, and we also have about two weeks out of every year to actually see the sun. As such, things will start to slow down a little over the next weeks as people start to head away for some well-earned R&R, we’ll have a full studio shutdown for the last two weeks of July in fact. So don’t panic if things seem a little slow, we’ll be back filled with new energy and raring to go!
Thanks for reading, and see you all next time!