Status Update

Howdy Hunters,

This week’s status update is a bit late due to us being extremely busy working on some secret stuff. But we hope that you have been kept busy, hunting for eggs.

According to our stats, you seem to be enjoying Hemmeldal and we had a record-breaking number of hunters exploring and playing our game this weekend.

Easter is coming up in Sweden so we’ve got a few days off to spend with our loved ones (we love you guys too, but this time we’re referring to family and friends). So we’ll be eating a lot of traditional Swedish Easter food like, salmon, eggs and pickled herring. And maybe drink some nubbe.

We’d like to know what kind of weapons you are missing in the game so please post that in the comments. Bear in mind that we won’t put any fully automated weapons in theHunter.

As we’ve mentioned before, our latest addition to the team is Emil and we feel it’s about time that he introduces himself. So please give him a hearty welcome!

Hello everybody,

I’m 25 years old. I live close to Globen in Stockholm. I’ve been interested in programming and game development since I was 12 years old, THe same year I made my first ping pong game in visual basic with some help from some older programmers. When I was 10 I started training Ju-jutsu and quickly became really good at it. I competed against adults when I was 16 years old and got a few medals 🙂

I stopped training martial arts when I was around 20 years old when I started working as a System developer.

My first mission for the Hunter was the Easter event page. But now I’m focusing more on the server side for theHunter.

Here are some photos of me doing what I like doing.

I like going out for some food and drinks.

Now I’m into rock climbing which I have been doing for about a year.

I also like visiting new countries. This is me in a forest in Estonia from my vacation last summer, but the only animals I spotted was a few dogs.

Happy Hunting!


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