Status update

Status update time! A little light today as we´re getting closer to that time of the year when people go on vacation and people will begin to drop off and come back within the coming weeks. Currently Pim is out of the office for two weeks getting some well deserved rest and family time. But that does not mean things will stop happening at the studio. As the multiplayer release is getting more and more stable we will start looking at what to do next, and we still make small tweaks here and there to make sure everything is running smoothly.

We have a bunch of new items in the pipeline, some of which will be announced before being released, and others being a surprise. The Red fox is being worked on and the art is getting near completion. We have implemented a number of points from the feedback we got from you guys and it should be quite hard to confuse the fox with any other animal at this point.

Also, we should mention that it´s Mattias (our master thesis student) last week at the office, and this is probably his last day, if the public transportation strike going on here in Sweden right now is still on tomorrow! For 20 weeks he has been working with mobile support for thehunter and it´s been a great experience having him on board. Time will tell how we might choose to use his work.


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