- Whitetail Deer and Pheasants are now free to hunt for guests
- Mule Deer will no longer be free to hunt for guests (Effective as of 3rd February 2016)
- 12 GA Single Shot Shotgun is available for free for all guests
- All 12 GA ammo is free for guests
- First two tutorials now feature Whitetail instead of Mule Deer
- Whitetail Missions and Mule Deer missions have changed places, so that in the old Mulie missions you now hunt Whitetails and vice versa
- Updated localization
- Reduced the max distance (150m -> 75m) at which the dog wants to return to the player after been given a “stay here!” command.
- Abort going towards the player if we tell the dog to stay, except when the dog is returning with an animal.
- When exiting the ground blind, the dog will now exit at the position that the dog entered from.
- Dog should now orientate towards a corner when exiting and entering a ground blind.
- Community video tutorials are now visible on the website
- Updating local community websites
Bug fixes
- T-posing when using certain weapons is fixed
- If the dog somehow fails to retrieve the animal that animal will be removed as a target for fetching
- When the player is in a tower or ground blind the dog will go towards that item when trying to reach the player
- If you issue a “stay!” command to your dog, the dog will stay still until you walk outside the maximum stay distance or give another command. Previously issuing a “sit!” or “lay down!” command could cause the dog to run to the player.