Weekend Competition and Sales


Hi there,

It’s Doctor Ovis. I’ve been so busy I can’t recall the last time I saw you! Could I bother you to find me a large Bighorn Sheep?

Find out what it’s all about and join the competition for a chance to win hefty prizes in em$!




✅ .30-06 BAR
✅ 7mm-08 Scout BAR
✅ Modern Recurve
✅ Tents

…and much more. Up to 40% off!

Sale ends on November the 23rd, 9:00 am UCT

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Weekend Competition and Sales


Howdy Hunter,

General Major Petersen here. I need a pair of Reindeer for a display at HQ. Get me any two, would you?

Find out what it’s all about and join the competition for a chance to win hefty prizes in em$!




✅ Reverse Draw Crossbow
✅ 8×57 Anschutz k98k
✅ 9.3×62 Anschutz 1780 D FL BAR
✅ .44 Handguns

…and much more. Up to 40% off!

Sale ends on November the 16th, 9:00 am UCT

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Weekend Competition and Sales


Howdy Hunter,

Fireworks are a fire threat, but I miss them. Instead, let’s have some colorful feathers and shotguns!

Find out what it’s all about and join the competition for a chance to win hefty prizes in em$!




✅ 20 GA Semi-Automatic Shotgun
✅ 12 GA Blaser F3 Game O/U Shotgun
✅ Pointer
✅ Retriever

…and much more. Up to 40% off!

Sale ends on Novemberhttps://www.thehunter.com/#competitions/details/112294 the 9th, 9:00 am UCT

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Halloween Event


Trick or Treat!

Well, it depends on how you look at it. For the next week, Timbergold Trails will be overrun with Werewolves (don’t tell Doc he only has to deal with them for a week, it’ll ruin the fun). Enjoy the twilight creepiness in TGT and pit your skills against the most savage animal in the EHR. Remember to hunt them with the “Wolfsbane” weapon variations (.308 handgun and Crossbow Pistol) and make sure you use silver ammo. Normal ammo and weapons will only annoy them. While you’re out there, keep an eye out for the new and rather rare fur variation, the Golden Werewolf.

For those of you worried about doing Daily Missions with Werewolves terrorizing TGT, don’t worry. Except for the Mule Deer, which can be found on other reserves, TGT animals will NOT have Daily Missions during the event.

Along with our Golden Werewolf, there’s a new Van Helsing Hat for hardcore Werewolf hunters in the store. You may notice an increase in Werewolf attraction while wearing this hat… You have been warned.

We’ve also added some stunning moonlight during the trophy shots in TGT, so the final pictures are much lighter and more visible now. If you’re inclined to some fancy moonlit shots, you can also pick up some predefined Werewolf Trophy Poses to keep your photo shoots short and sweet.

So bring down those Werewolves, bag some TGT animals and complete the Werewolf Mission Pack in TGT. Take a break in between with the three competitions taking place in other reserves.

Participate for the prizes, the trophies, and the glory! The hunter with the most Treat$ at the end of November the 2nd will win a generous first prize!

In order to take part in the event, you will have to click on the big banner you will find in the Launcher (or Website) home page:


Read on and familiarize yourself with the rules of the event.


Event Duration: 7 days

Start: 27th Oct 2021 (Wednesday) – morning

End: 2nd Nov 2021 (Tuesday) – 23.59 UTC



There are Skull collectibles this time around, but we’re also awarding points for harvesting Werewolves and other animals in Timbergold Trails.


This is how the prize pool looks:



This year’s mission is called Dances with Werewolves

Every year! Where are these marauding beasts coming from? There must be source. We need to find it. There’s probably an Alpha somewhere creating them, right?

We’ll have to keep their numbers down until we can find the Head Mankiller, though. Be careful, Hunter, they’re all over the place and they’re mean. Make sure you harvest, you have to separate the head and heart to make sure it won’t get back up.

The mission will last through the event’s duration from the 27th Oct to the 2nd Nov.

Completing it will earn the hunter the following rewards:



Those Werewolves chill me to the bone. Let’s hold our Competitions somewhere safer, shall we?

The event comes with three competitions each lasting 3 days! Completing each competition in any place (just qualify!) will also award the hunter 100 Treat$ points.

Prizes for the competitions look like this:

Each competition comes with 7 tiers based on your Hunter Score:



What would a game be without rules?

We have one simple rule for our events: No exploitation of existing game mechanics to gain an advantage. All winners’ hunts will be checked by EW staff prior to prizes being rewarded, and the decision will be final.

In case of exploits usage, EW has a right to disqualify the player from this event.


We’ve got some cool sales for this event in the Store, including a juicy 50% discount on some Callers as well as 30% off a variety of weapons.

Make sure to check out the Sale section to see the full list!


That’s all folks, any questions, feel free to post them below.

Enjoy all!

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Weekend Competition and Sales


Howdy Hunter,

Doc here. The Whitetail are breeding like bunnies, so I need you to thin them out again. That being said, let’s make it interesting…

Find out what it’s all about and join the competition for a chance to win hefty prizes in em$!




✅ Heavy Recurve Instinctive Archer
✅ 10mm Semi-Automatic Pistol
✅ 16 GA Side by Side Shotgun
✅ 5x30mm Rangefinder

…and much more. Up to 40% off!

Sale ends on October the 26th, 9:00 am UCT

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Weekend Competition and Sales


Greetings Hunter,

Hunt at least one Black Bear in each Settler Creeks, Redfeather Falls, and Rougarou Bayou.

Find out what it’s all about and join the competition for a chance to win hefty prizes in em$!




✅ .340 Weatherby Magnum BAR
✅ .45 Long Colt Revolver
✅ Cable-backed Bow
✅ Tents

…and much more. Up to 40% off!

Sale ends on October the 19th, 9:00 am UCT

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New Tutorials



When we monitor our communication channels (Forum, Steam, Discord, Facebook, and others) we’re so proud of how kind and helpful our community is (another huge thanks for that!). Any new player gets proper suggestions and advice instantly. On the other hand, we felt guilty we weren’t so helpful ourselves, as Classic is quite difficult for new players. Therefore, we decided we needed to do our bit too, and we started with re-doing the Tutorials from scratch. For now, we are glad to present two brand new tutorials to you: The Basics and Tower Usage, to be followed by a few others which are in progress and will be added later. We hope it will help our new players understand the game’s hunting techniques better and grow our beloved community!

Please note that this update is bigger than usual due to some small internal changes that have caused Steam to recalculate a few extra files… We’ve done what we can to mitigate the size but unfortunately, we can’t reduce it any further.

Grab the Update HERE on Steam.

Happy hunting!

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Weekend Competition and Sales


Greetings Hunter,

It is Igsivalitaq. I must make some charms for my people, but my leg is injured. Would you get me a large Snow Goose?

Find out what it’s all about and join the competition for a chance to win splendid prizes in em$!




✅ .17 HMR Lever Action Rifle
✅ .22 “Plinkington” Semi-Automatic Rifle
✅ Retriever
✅ Heated Tent

…and much more. Up to 40% off!

Sale ends on October the 12th, 7:00 am UCT

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From the Community


Howdy Hunters!

Our update this time is focused on our community. A few months ago we asked you to come up with some bundles you’d like to see in the store for the 3 Reserves that didn’t have any Loadouts (Timbergold Trails, Whiterime Ridge, and Piccabeen Bay) and to submit some competitions that you’d like to see run. The bundles are available in the store, and the comps are being introduced as we finish testing them.

✅ Check out the Loadouts on the Bundles page in the store
✅ We’re starting with two extra community comps per week (Mondays and Wednesdays) and we’ll be adding more to the schedule as they’re ready.

As usual, let us know if you come across any problems with the fixes.

We’ll be back soon with more, look forward to it!

Grab the Update HERE on Steam.

Happy hunting!

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Competition and Sales


How ya goin’, Hunter?

Listen, I need a new mount for the Lodge; some brat spilled chocolate milk all over the Axis I had before. Get me another deer sharpish, would ya?

Find out what it’s all about and join the competition for a chance to win hefty prizes in em$!




✅ Compound Bow Snakebite
✅ 6.5×55 Bolt Action Rifle
✅ .270 Bolt Action Rifle
✅ Tent

…and much more. Up to 40% off!

Sale ends on October the 5th, 7:00 am UCT

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