National Flip Flop Day 2023


Howdy Hunters!

We saw this day on a list and thought “That would be hilarious!”. Of course, we also expected hue and cry if we actually made you equip the noisiest shoes known to humankind and made you hunt in them (wait until you see the mission animals!) so we’re not doing that. We’re using the old-style event format for this since they say a change is as good as a holiday. You can gain Slap$ by taking part in the event’s mission and competitions, as well as harvesting Roe Deer and finding Antler collectables (any, non-typs count too) scattered around the EHR!

Participate for the prizes, the trophies, and the glory! The hunter with the most Slap$ at the end of June 13th will win a very generous first prize!

In order to take part in the event, you will have to click on the big banner you will find in the Launcher (or Website) home page:


Read on and familiarize yourself with the rules of the event.


Duration: 7 days

Start: 7 June 2023 (Wednesday) – morning

End:  13 June 2023 (Tuesday) – 23.59 UTC



So how do you collect Slap$?



There are collectables all over the EHR! Pick them up when you see them and collect Slap$!

Here’s a complete list:


This is how the prize pool looks:



This year’s mission is called Flip, but don’t flop.

You’re tasked with hunting the jumpiest animals in the EHR without spooking them. You’ll think you’re wearing flip-flops when you go after these guys. Oh, and in the spirit of things, no tripods, towers, tree stands or ground blinds. Let’s put your stealth to the test. Unspooked means the animal can’t be scared or nervous, of you or any predators.

The mission will last through the event duration from the 7th June to the 13th June.

Completing it will earn the hunter the following rewards:



Qualifying in a competition awards 100 Slap$ for each comp. You don’t need to place, just have an entry.

Prizes for the competitions look like this:


Each competition comes with 7 tiers based on your Hunter Score:



What would a game be without rules?

We have one simple rule for our events: No exploitation of existing game mechanics to gain an advantage. All winners’ hunts will be checked by EW staff prior to prizes being rewarded, and the decision will be final.

In case of exploits usage, EW has a right to disqualify the player from this event.


And what would an Event be without sales? We’re not sure, but we do know that we’d get nasty messages if we skipped them, so we’ve made sure to put sales in.

Make sure to check out the Sales section to see the full list!


That’s all folks, any questions, feel free to post them below.

Enjoy all!

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