Status Update

Hello hunters,

It’s status update time and today we’re happy to tell you that the Expansive Worlds’ crew has grown, again! Three new team members have joined us to work on a side project, not related to theHunter. What’s it about, you’ll all find out when the time is right, as for now – please meet our new artist Simone, animator Dick and client programmer Anders. Get to know them in the intros below and say ”Hi” in the forums.



Great to see you all again!

My name is Dick Sjöström and some of you might actually remember me from a few years ago

because I worked for Expansive Worlds when theHunter was re-launched. The Moose and the Bear were some of the animals I worked on, I think it was in 2011? Can’t remeber exactly, as years seem to fly by in warp speed now, when I’ve got a son and family.

Anyway, I was sucked up by Avalanche Studios and had to leave Expansive Worlds but I knew I would be back one way or another, and here I am. Although I’m just here temporarily to help out with some bits and pieces, while I’m currently in-between projects, I hope to be able to get a few small (or maybe big, who knows ;)) animations in. Well, wait, and you’ll see!

Oh, maybe I should have said that? Yes, I’m an animator and before joining Avalanche and Expansive Worlds I worked on various games here, in Sweden, and abroad. But I must say that community driven games like theHunter have always been the most fun to work on.

And I also have to say that I’m really amazed at all the new content that has been added to theHunter, it really feels like a new game for me. The team has done some amazing work (especially multiplayer!) but a big ”thank you” goes to you too for helping us to make the best hunting game.

Happy Hunting everyone and see you soon!


Simone_CorsoHi everyone,

My name is Simone Corso and I am a new member of theHunter crew. I moved to Sweden from Italy to join the Mad Max team here in Stockholm two years ago. I am a character artist and quite new in video games development, in fact before taking this amazing job I have been working as a freelancer for movie industry and cartoons. I also worked as a teacher giving lectures on Maya and Zbrush, which is quite an interesting experience I would say.

I like swimming and lifting weights at the gym during my spare time and of course play video games and watch a lot of movies which is the primary source of inspiration for my work.

I am super excited to work on this project and I’ll give my best to make this game awesome!




The name’s Anders Moberg and I’ve joined the team here at Expansive Worlds as a junior programmer. Very happy to be here!

I’ve got my origin from way down south, the city of Malmö. It’s where I grew up and attended ”The Game Assembly” to try to make my dreams of working in game industry as a programmer a reality. Through an internship, I got the opportunity to work at Fatshark on ”War of the Vikings” and its DLC.

Having interest in music, film, animation and arts at large, I can easily pronounce video games as the biggest interest in my life. And thus, I’m very happy to be able to serve Expansive Worlds and its passionate community to the best of my abilities!

P.S. My favorite game made is Metroid Prime.

The new .22 ”Grasshopper” Pistol

handgun_22_1024Today we released a new weapon that has been suggested and requested by the community for a long, long time – the .22 ”Grasshopper” pistol, specially designed for hunting birds and small game. Following the introduction of the ”Grasshopper”, the ethical animals list for .357 revolvers will be adjusted. From now on it won’t be permitted for mallards, geese, pheasants or turkey, since, as many of you have pointed out in the past, it’s too large a caliber for birds. The reason why birds were on the ethical list before is that we simply didn’t have a handgun option for them, which has changed now. Enjoy “grasshopping”!

Val-des-Bois will be less full now

Many players have touched on the fact that the new reserve seems to be more densely populated than the rest of the EHR. Following this discussion, we’ve made some re-evaluation and slightly lowered the numbers of Roe Deer, Red Deer and Red Fox on Val-des-Bois due to overcrowding in the lower part of the reserve. The narrow shape of the valley pushed animals together too much which indeed resulted in a less realistic animal population, compared to other reserves.

TheHunter went viral

Recently theHunter has been enjoying a lot of attention on Twitch and YouTube, which is really cool! In the last week a bunch of popular gaming channels have made videos of theHunter with total combined views of almost 3 million. You can check some of the videos on these channels: SergeantMerrel, TheDevildogGamer, jacksepticeye, SeaNanners Gaming Channel, CriousGamers, TheRPGMinx.Thanks for spreading the word about theHunter everyone, we love what you do!

That’s it for today, happy hunting!


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