Status Update

Hi hunters,

A very short update from us regarding the upcoming reserve. We’ve considered Reserve emblem bushrangers runall name ideas you suggested and after some internal debate we decided to call it Bushrangers Run. This was one of the anonymous suggestions we received by PM and the team really liked it. A Bushranger is an Australian outlaw/bandit, often held in high esteem and considered iconic to Australia, and a run is the path drovers take their cattle when migrating the herd. We thought it would be appropriate for the EHR.

To give you a sneak peek at Bushrangers Run, we are organizing a pre-release livestream. As previously with Val-des-Bois, the streamed hunts will take place on our beta server, it will still be WIP. The stream will be offered in English and German and will be organized completely by our community members Pratze, HooCairs, Killertut and our game design intern Pär.

Here is a cool announcement video by Pratze. You can find the dates and times of the livestreams below.

Times and dates of the pre-release livestreams:

English: Tuesday, 24th at 20:00 CET
Streamed by Pratze, joined by HooCairs and Pär
You can watch it on this channel

German: Tuesday, 24th at 22:00 CET
Streamed by Pratze, joined by HooCairs and Killertut
You can watch it on this channel

Hope you’ll be able to make it!



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