Status update

Another week has passed and we’re hoping that you hunters are still enjoying playing the game as much as we are developing it.

We had a small sale on em$ over the weekend, and we were happy to see that some of you took advantage of that offer. The countdown to Thanksgiving is up and running and we can see that a lot of you are in on the new competitions. We will end the week with a pretty pleasant surprise.

We’re spending a lot of time on preparing for the Christmas campaign that will be launched December 1st. We’re very excited about that and we hope you are too.

The next Game Update is scheduled for Wednesday next week and will include the Blacktail TruRACS update, and along with it also a new mission-pack for Blacktail!

And we just want to remind you all that the best Christmas gift to a loved one is a theHunter membership, so use the gifting option in the Hunter store to share the joy of hunting online 😉


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